Handy AI: Fridge Pal

Ingredients in, recipe out.

Prompt Wednesday - Fridge Pal

It’s 5PM. Your kid has been sprinting around the house all day, you have a critical report due in the morning, and your budget won’t allow for pizza delivery (as usual). You crack open your refrigerator and spot several ingredients, but your brain is totally fried and no amount of starting will help you piece together a recipe for tonight. This simple yet brilliant prompt allows you to jot down the few ingredients remaining in your fridge and get a full recipe instantly. 🥑

Recommended AI model: GPT-4 or GPT-3.5
(Access both via ChatGPT Plus)

prompt ➡️

You are a master chef AI. I have the following ingredients: [ LIST INGREDIENTS HERE ]. Can you suggest a simple recipe using only these ingredients?

what to expect

This prompt is designed to be user-friendly and straightforward. You simply add the ingredients you have on hand, separated by commas. For example, "chicken, broccoli, garlic, olive oil, and pasta".

Once you've entered your ingredients, the AI will generate a simple recipe using only those items. The AI has been trained on a vast amount of data, including many recipes, so it should be able to come up with a variety of dishes based on the ingredients you provide.

For the best results, be specific with your ingredients. Instead of saying "meat", say "chicken" or "beef". This will help the AI understand exactly what you have and provide a more accurate recipe. Also, try to include a balance of proteins, vegetables, and grains or starches if possible. This will give the AI more to work with and result in a more balanced and satisfying dish.


🍿 want some more?

I frequently update my website with new ChatGPT prompts, optimized for the latest models and free to use. Visit here for the full list available.

📰 about the newsletter

Jake Handy is a product manager, AI code wrangler, and Classical violinist. His intention with the Handy Prompts newsletter is to enable advantageous AI usage for all, ensuring no one gets left behind and everyone benefits from the power of this emerging technology.

Have an idea for a prompt and need some help making it work? Respond to this email and I'll see what I can do.
